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'''Literature study:'''
'''Preliminary literature study:'''

Latest revision as of 08:22, 25 June 2024

Rhizome 2.0: Scaling-up Capability of Human-Robot Interaction Supported Approaches for Robotically 3D-printing Extraterrestrial Habitats


R2 14.45.53.jpg

Kick-off meeting

Proposal, agenda, and notes:
Proposal https://ideas.esa.int/servlet/hype/IMT?userAction=Browse&templateName=&documentId=941256c1dd12f6338d97081aabbd148f, agenda https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gqgh-6T-0DzogKOD7ikOpL1v9KFzMv9D/view, and notes https://docs.google.com/document/d/1br0DV16xeupi6nuc2ei2Lexgr4abrE8y/view

Henriette Bier: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1S81X1cv65G7uPPnnCV-3fl-NHqJTapVt/view

Preliminary literature study:

1. Printing with cement-less concrete

Coppola et al, Binder Alternative to Portland Cement and waste management for sustainable construction, 2018 [1]

Dada, Influence of temperature on the rheological behaviour of eco-mortar, 2021 [2]

Djobo et al, Volcanic ash-based geopolymer cements/concretes: the current state of the art and perspectives. Environ Sci Pollut Res 24, 4433–4446 (2017). [3]

Liu et al, In-situ resources for infrastructure construction on Mars: A review, 2021 [4]

Nazneen et al, Geopolymer: A potential alternative binder for the sustainable development of concrete without ordinary Portland cement. Journal of Industrial Pollution Con-trol, 2017, pages 1500-1504. [5]

Schiavone et al, Pozzolan Based 3D Printing Composites From the Formulation, 2020 [6]

The Schumacher centre, Alternatives to Portland Cement [7]

2. In Situ Printing and (AI & HRI supported) in situ assembly of 3D printed components

NASA 3D Printed Habitat Challenge: Hassell Studio [8]

Overview In-Situ 3D Printing References: In-Situ 3D Printing References


3. (AI supported) Environment Control

Climate-Resilient Robotic Facades: Architectural Strategies to Improve Thermal Comfort in Outdoor Urban Environments using Robotic Assembly [10]

4. CV- and AI-supported Applications in CS and UF

MSc 2 IA Studio 2023: Rhizome 2.0 [11]